





When asked to speak at a big event, you either have one of two reactions: fear or excitement. Either one is fine, as long as you stand up and speak when the time comes! Because toasts are often for special occasions, they are expected to be personal and special. However, many people may not know where to start when it comes to creating a toast. So, here’s a few ideas to get you thinking.

Joint Effort: Got the job of making the big toast but are scared to do it? Team up with a close friend or relative and combine your perspectives on your loved one. Brainstorm together about your favorite things about this person and use each other as props as you make your way through your speech.

Personal Anecdote: Delve deep into the past and reminisce about your fun childhood adventures or crazy college memories with your loved one. This will be sure to get some laughs from the crowd, and since you’re speaking from experience, your words should come easily!

Homemade Poem: One way to get your audience emotional is to write an authentic poem for your loved one. Take an hour or two to sit down and think about how this person has inspired you… then write.

Rewrite one of your favorite songs with personalized lyrics. And sing it: This is a major crowd pleaser anywhere you go. Whether it’s rap or a slow, heartfelt song, substituting your own lyrics is sure to get a rise out of your audience, and most importantly, your loved one. So, do your vocal exercises and take that stage!

Take a glass and keep it simple: Sometimes, the best things come in small packages. If you’re not sure what to do and don’t want to make a huge show of your toast, just get up and speak from the heart for a few minutes. If you’re asked to give a toast at an event, you’re obviously special to that person. They will be happy just to see your smiling face up there speaking for them!

ThemesSeven Elm